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Some Smaller Grace edition by Noelle Carle Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download As PDF : Some Smaller Grace edition by Noelle Carle Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download PDF Some Smaller Grace  edition by Noelle Carle Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Set against the backdrop of northern Maine's gently rolling potato fields, Some Smaller Grace tells the story of concert pianist Jill Summers' tragic loss of her grandparents and the questions their deaths raise in her own heart. Through her interactions with richly earthy characters and humble, heartwarming settings, Jill finds the sense of purpose she's always longed for and the forgiveness she never expected. Some Smaller Grace is a redemptive tale that reminds us of the power of quiet faith and simple pleasures.

Some Smaller Grace edition by Noelle Carle Religion Spirituality eBooks

This girl can write! At the risk of sounding like a literary snob, I didn't hold out a lot of hope for being entertained by this book. I LOVE good literature and have been highly disappointed with much of the content that's being pushed at us these days as a "good read". Many a time I have thrown down a book in disgust as I've tried to wade through the inane dialogue and very weak plot lines. I am thrilled to be able to say that this book is believable, funny, heart wrenching and left me wanting more as I turned the last page. A rare thing when I read anything published after 1960. The fact that I grew up in Aroostook County made it even better as I recognized places and the County "types" in her characters. Her ability to draw the reader into the very atmosphere is exceptional and I could smell the potato dirt right along with Jill, Anne, Hannah and Rachel. When I finished the book I immediately thought, what comes next? There HAS to be a sequel....perhaps a series. She has made it hard to give up these new found friends and I look forward to my next visit with them.

Product details

  • File Size 550 KB
  • Print Length 136 pages
  • Publication Date December 19, 2009
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B004V5I4MG

Read Some Smaller Grace  edition by Noelle Carle Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Tags : Some Smaller Grace - Kindle edition by Noelle Carle. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Some Smaller Grace.,ebook,Noelle Carle,Some Smaller Grace,RELIGION Faith,FICTION Christian General
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Some Smaller Grace edition by Noelle Carle Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were very believable . I found myself warmed and sometimes angered by the people portrayed.The emotional tensions through out the story added depth and meaning . I was 't ready for it to end !
...But I loved it! Christian concepts are presented without being preachy, as the main character works through a crisis in her life. I wonder if there will be a sequel?
This read quite well and held my interest all the way. I especially appreciated the places where the highly-skilled pianist...the heroine...discovered people who wanted to use her for their own ends. A low point was when I realized that both the grandparents, their house, and all they items they were bequeathing had been lost in the fire. A high point was when she could get lost in her playing. To one who gripes about the way TV and movies show fire-starting, the funniest part is where she struggles to start a fire in the stove! If there were flaws in editing, I missed them; the book was properly formatted to work with Paperwhite.
This was a wonderful story of family .. and their struggles to deal with the challenges life throws at them .. and how faith and love help them cope. I thoroughly enjoyed this extremely well-written book .. and had a big smile on my face when I finished it!!
This book contained so many things I look for in a book. (I did like the cover). Faith based story with believable characters and strong women, who make a difference.

The love story is sweet but not smooth. Anyone who likes a happy ending will love 💘this book.
I really enjoyed this story- it was honest, insightful, thought-provoking. I had difficulty at the beginning, and I think the author did too- it was difficult following the story for a little while, until it settled into its rhythm, both technically and thematically- issues that could have been solved in the editing & proofing (stilted or awkward phrasing, hyphenated words that shouldn't have been, thoughts that didn't seem connected to the preceding or following sentences). Once the story settled in, it was captivating.
Also, a big deal was made about harvester accidents and it seemed to have no purpose aside from random caution. Uncle Carl and Keith each made a point of it, Jill made an observation about Anne reaching up inside, and there was an accident on another farm that prompted stories of accidents- I was brought to the edge of expectation repeatedly only to be left hanging unnecessarily with no resolution. It was dissatisfying.
This book was slow and meandering to me. Successful pianist Jill comes back for grandparent's funeral. It never tells you how old she is, nor does it describe her much. She quickly takes a dislike to Paul, who had been a great friend and neighbor to her grandparents. He takes her snotty attitude and continues to offer quiet, non-judgmental friendship, I guess because he's just the better person. Her aunt and uncle are salt of the earth, as are the other neighbors. However, her own mother is cold and distant. So, some family angst. Still, aunt and uncle never say a negative word about anything or anyone. You always sense there is more to be said or learned, but they are waiting for Jill to figure it out or herself. I couldn't tell if this was supposed to be about finding yourself and God's inspiration, or a love story. Paul seemed he might be a generation too old for her, but since they never gave their ages, I couldn't tell. About 35% through, I just quit.
This girl can write! At the risk of sounding like a literary snob, I didn't hold out a lot of hope for being entertained by this book. I LOVE good literature and have been highly disappointed with much of the content that's being pushed at us these days as a "good read". Many a time I have thrown down a book in disgust as I've tried to wade through the inane dialogue and very weak plot lines. I am thrilled to be able to say that this book is believable, funny, heart wrenching and left me wanting more as I turned the last page. A rare thing when I read anything published after 1960. The fact that I grew up in Aroostook County made it even better as I recognized places and the County "types" in her characters. Her ability to draw the reader into the very atmosphere is exceptional and I could smell the potato dirt right along with Jill, Anne, Hannah and Rachel. When I finished the book I immediately thought, what comes next? There HAS to be a sequel....perhaps a series. She has made it hard to give up these new found friends and I look forward to my next visit with them.
Ebook PDF Some Smaller Grace  edition by Noelle Carle Religion  Spirituality eBooks

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